Monday, April 11, 2011

Totally Rad

As you can see, I took a day off...basically because I was boring thanks to everyone for your nice comments on my blog (your check is in the mail). We are just beginning this cancer road trip and I have noticed something very interesting. There are a plethora of pharmaceuticals involved...and the funny thing about them is that the ones that you get in chemotherapy were positively named by hippies. Let me explain....Shea will be taking three drugs designed specifically for colon cancer. Two of these drugs are just there to help stop nausea and to bind the heavy duty cancer-kicking drug to the cancer cells...they are named some Greek/Latin something that no one can possibly pronounce, much less spell. Which is why I'm not going to try. Now the name of the main drug is called 5-FU. Does that strike anyone else as funny? On top of her regular regimen, she will also be taking a kidney cancer drug called RAD-001. So her chemotherapy consists of "It's totally RAD, so....." well... you fill in the blank. The other thing I've thought about is the fact that everyone wants us to do natural healing. We agree. Shea will be pursuing that road in conjunction with her chemotherapy. We believe that healthy is good, but healthy plus chemo is better. I know that will drive some people crazy, but that is the way Shea has decided to handle things. So....we have decided that in the interest of being healthy, a brownie with medical marijuana just might do the trick (I'm joking, I'm joking. Here is our disclaimer...while some days we may think it would help, we are absolutely sure that it would be against the Word of Wisdom and we really don't want it anyway...but it is something to giggle about when you are talking RADically and 5-FUing). Shea is happy, she is ready to start kicking cancer butt and we are gearing up for the start of putting fun back into the dysfunction. So...calling all seamstresses out there who want to help. We refuse and I mean REFUSE to wear the ugly, awful hospital garb that Huntsman is prepared to so thoughtfully provide. Shea and I have decided to have custom, designer hospital gowns made instead with matching slippers. I have bought the material for the first gown and pair of slippers, but I am looking for a seamstress who is willing to sew them for me (or several seamstresses since the goal is to get three gowns, with two pair of matching drawstring pants and matching slippers) I have the patterns available. So, my Pretty Pretty Princess needs a new gown to attend the Chemo Ball....who will be a Fairy-Godmother? If it's are totally RAD!!!


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA YES!! but maybe just because i'm a pharmacy tech so i see/deal with drugs all day long...oh well, still funny! :)

  2. YES.. PICK ME! I love to Sew! and love to embelish and kick things up a notch! Call me.. 435-225-5510 Jannie :)

  3. HAHAHAHA I just giggled so hard at the RAD and FU and was thinking "if she was in another state, they'd offer her medical marijuana on top of it!" ...then you mentioned it. Made my day pretty rad! :) Thanks for that Mama Liston!

  4. I wish I had access to my machine I would do it in a heart beat. Then as a finising touch I would bedazzle a flower on the gown. Something that would be her signature touch. You are really cracking me up!! It is wonderful you are finding some humor in all this.
    Love you all.

  5. I love how much personality you bring to this blog! You crack me up. Just wanted to let you know we're thinking/praying of you and your family. Keep up the good work. By-the-way, the outfits your planning to have sewn sound like a lot of fun. You should start up your own charity for other patients and keep it going.

  6. Jeneanne, do you still need someone to sew? I can certainly help with that or drive you crazy with some alternative healthy advice. Call if you still need help with sewing or anything. 435-760-9081

  7. I love the humor you have put in these posts.
