Saturday, July 16, 2011

Short and Sweet

Shea had another round of chemo yesterday. We think that they finally have the right doses of everything since this seems to be going much smoother. She even felt good enough to eat a baked potato during her infusion. You should have seen the horrified look on a couple of doctor's faces when I put an entire stick of butter on it, followed up with a bunch of cheese and sour cream. I think they were waiting for me to have a stroke right there on the spot. I left them speechless when I smiled and said, "Hey, it takes a lot of work and sacrifice to keep a figure like mine". I could tell one was dying to say "Do you own a mirror?" hahaha. Shea even made the comment that in the past she would have worried about the calories, so it is fun that they are telling her to eat more of the 'bad' stuff. They sent us into the back, private room with the bed for this infusion, so that meant that I was privileged enough to take a nap on the killer loveseat. I am gearing up to begin sewing a few voodoo dolls....a project apparently long overdue:). This week we are going to sit down as a family and see if we can squeeze a little bit of Summer into our plans. I've been so busy, I haven't been able to read or even think thoughts hahaha, so today will be a very short post....Shea wants Mac and Cheese and I am just the one to get it for her...

1 comment:

  1. you are totally amazing and I love the way you should consider writing a book, now I know where Kennen gets it. Hope all is going well
