Thursday, May 5, 2011

Just a Couple of Fools

Well, tomorrow is a big day for us...Shea's second cycle of chemo (or so we hope). I'm feeling fairly positive that it will go according to plan, and I think Shea feels the same way. She has really perked up quite a bit in the last 48 hours and is looking really good. She has been eating really well, which makes the Mom in me happy. I told her she was finally eating human-sized portions instead of bird-sized portions (it is at this point that my Dad would lecture me on the fact that birds do indeed eat an amazing amount of food for their body weight, which means that someone who "eats like a bird" actually is continually stuffing their faces with technically that would be me, not Shea. But hey, I didn't start the saying, I'm just repeating it and thank goodness Dad doesn't have a computer to follow the blog... so there. Wow, somehow I feel better). So back to Shea. She has had two meals of salmon, rice and green beans. Big, big pieces of nice Alaskan doesn't get much better than that (if you are not a fish lover, we are sorry, but Salmon is King...that's why they call it that). She has been drinking tons of orange juice as well... which, guess what? Is loaded with potassium....yea!! So all in all, we are ready and prepared for tomorrow. I was at the DI today looking over the books because I needed some new reading material to take with us and I came across a book by Billy Graham called 'Answers to Life's Problems'. Well, hot dog! Just what I needed, so of course I had to flip through. One of the chapters was called "Do I Need a Psychiatrist?". I kid you not. For 2 dollars, I had to buy it so I would know. Come to find out....I don't (so haha to my posse of doubters)...but he had some good and interesting points to make in that chapter. It mainly boiled down to this...if you are Christian, you should be a happy fool. Isn't that great? Fools, Unite!! Basically, you are a fool if you don't believe in the resurrection and all it means in your life, and if you do believe then you should be so doggone happy that a smile should be imprinted on your soul and on your face to the point that people might think you are a fool. I actually kind of like that thought...and the more I think about it, it makes sense to me. The gospel is after all...good news, and nobody ever heard good news with a frown planted on their face. And it is really hard to be worried, nervous or depressed when you are being 'foolish'. So I'm taking Billy's words to heart, and I'm going to be a dang fool for the next couple of days. I'm going to smile and laugh and joke....and I'm going to make sure that Shea joins in. As Reinhold Niebuhr once said (whoever that is...and why on earth did his mother name him Reinhold....disregard that if you or anyone you know or love goes by the name of Reinhold) "Humor is the prelude to faith and laughter is the beginning of prayer". So in the spirit of a couple of true prayin' fools, Shea and I plan on saying lots of prayers...both kinds...and we hope you will too.


  1. I love it!!! Your humor is great. Keep it coming. I really look forward to reading your blog. And I have been praying at least twice a day for Shea, you, and your family since I met you 3 weeks ago. I've even put you and Shea's name in the temple (I would have done the entire family but I didn't have those names with me).

    And I'm so happy for the good news too!!! That's wonderful. But I'll be quiet until you blog about it.

    I love you guys !!!!

  2. Hi Jeneanne,

    I was just wondering if you ever received the book on CD?

